
Choose a CMO for Your Small Business

Ensure you have a marketing partner that cares as much as you while you’re working hard on growing your small business.

A part-time partner with the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) mindset will help you with systems and strategy while staying in your budget. Work with someone who is setting you up for success.


Work With Someone Who Knows What Works

Obsessed with customer mindset.

It’s the best way to grow your business. It’s also the only way to find the marketing that will resonate with your ideal customer.

The best marketers want to learn about the customer, research the problems they’re trying to solve, and test out the best messaging — but ultimately the best ones care enough to get it right and deliver results.

A Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is the perfect investment for any small business looking to grow. It’s just too expensive settle for less!

Plus, your customers are more informed than ever before. They’re eager to research and prepared to compare.

However you choose to market your small business to potential customers — you need strategy and effective systems in place to succeed.

A daily Instagram post won’t cut it anymore.

It’s time you worked with someone obsessed with understanding your customer and prepared with a strategy to deliver results → Your Small Biz CMO!


A Partner Who Cares to Understand Your Business

Not every business is looking for a marketing partner. The ones who are looking should want an ally who cares to understand their business and customers.

With a CMO mindset, you can expect someone dedicated to your success — not someone who just wants to get their invoice paid. 

Delivering Results Through Strategy & Systems

Gone are the days where a daily Instagram post will generate enough traffic and conversion to sustain your small business.

Those are tactics that can only be effective when part of a larger strategy to convert and retain customers. Strategy only delivers results when paired with systems that you and your team can maintain.

It takes both strategy and systems to execute effective marketing. Your small business deserves both.


Marketing Services

Marketing today is more than a daily Instagram post. It takes an expert in many parts of marketing to ensure your small business thrives while you focus on the business!

What can I help with?


Social Media Management & Strategy

Social media isn’t something you should leave to your college-aged nephew anymore. Build a strategy that works.

Reputation Management & Strategy

Your small business can sink or swim based on ratings online. It’s time you had a strategy to stay afloat!

Sales Funnel & Automations

With proper automations and strategy, you can acquire customers and convert sales while you sleep!

Content & Email Marketing

Your online content teaches your customers about your small business. Email is how you communicate with them. Let’s get it right!

Websites & Branding

Websites are essential in today’s market. Ensure your branding carries through all your marketing efforts properly.

Local Marketing

Physical locations need a physical marketing strategy for the local market.

Your Small Biz CMO

Meet your new marketing partner and part-time CMO.

Jake Zachariah

Jake Zachariah

Your Small Biz CMO

Howdy, I’m Jake. 🤠

One thing you need to know about me is that I love to help put a spotlight on others. Helping others be seen in the proper way to boost their business, their career, or their accomplishments — shoot, that’s the best!

For a few years now, I’ve turned that focus into helping some friends get their small business more customers, better exposure online, and set up with systems to maintain positive momentum.

Now I’m ready to help you! 🤩 


Let's Work Together!

You need a marketing expert to partner with who will help you level up your small business. I’m looking for a few new clients who are open to partnering with someone who cares about their success.

Let’s chat about the future! 


Servicing all of USA remotely

Local services available in Denver Metro, Colorado

(+1) 303 997 2829

[email protected]